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英文自荐信 加入学生会

students to the basic application form and the content is usually written as follows:

1. title: the first line in the middle of the letters "student application" of these characters

2. title: the name of the student union, the general wrote, "beloved students." top grid to write the next line in the title, followed by a colon.

3. applications to the student body. the main contents include:

     a personal right right understanding of student societies, student motivation and attitude to treatment. write this part of their accession should be the purpose of the student union.
     b individuals in the political, ideological, study, work, etc. the main performance area, and so on.

     c if the students to enter, after what the work plan?

4. written into the student union at the end of the application. and cv generally like to write in the text after the "sincerely", and then in another cell to write the top line "salute."

5. signature and date: at the end of the next line in the second half of the line (the lower right corner) to write "the applicant: xx", and another for his writing on "xx years x months x days."

in addition, the communist youth league organizations in order to enable the school to have their own more comprehensive understanding of, the applicant may write a separate additional materials, additional materials include:

(1) personal history forms and the student leadership classes or monitor their own letter of recommendation

(2) some of their own expertise, as well as participated in the competition, won the awards!

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