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发布时间:2023-09-18 13:24 商务管理专业就业方向 商务管理专业

  hello!!!!! thank you very much for you check my zijianshu. i"m fujian economic management cadre institute for college graduates in XX, professional is business administration. i am honored to have the opportunity to you in my personal data. in all the society, in order to find the accord with his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, i send to you for leadership sell yourself, your identity will become the new starting point of my life struggle.

  in the short period of the university three years study life, i not only develop the "diligence, rigorous, realistic and innovative" style of study, and insisted on professional and nonprofessional hand in hand with guidance, and tries to widen the aspect of knowledge, understanding the needs of social development of talent, and continuously improve their ideology.

  during the university, i duoci participating in project planning survey and writing, at the same time made computer [normal university computer network professional application letter model essay] level certificate and the assistant marketing division certificate. as a wenyibu minister (once won the first english singer partial contest), has the strong organization and coordination. strong dedication to work and the sense of responsibility can make me face the team of difficulties and challenges.

  for nearly a year, i will learn the theory knowledge to practice, harvest very much. i want to join your company, play to my potential. i am enclosing a resume. if i have the chance to meet with you, i"d be very grateful.

  this salute!


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