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发布时间:2018-12-04 01:21



  Name: 范文大全

  Sex: Female

  Date of Birth: 1985-10-10

  National: Han

  Height: 164 Weight: 48

  Place of origin: Shanghai

  Current location: Shanghai

  Education: Undergraduate

  Political outlook: Party members

  Graduate institutions: Jiangxi Normal University

  Graduation Time: June 2008

  Studies by category: Foreign Language category

  Professional title: Business English

  Contact Tel:

  Educational background / training experience

  And professional expertise

  Foreign Language: English Language: 6

  Computer capability: Putonghua at the provincial level: good

  Presentation and other professional expertise


  Comprehensive English, English Reading, English audio, English writing, English, English tone of voice, Britain and the United States country profile, English newspaper culture, international business negotiations, international business contracts, letters and telegrams of international business, international marketing, advanced English, English-Chinese translation, Ya thinking and so on.

  Minor courses:

  Japanese, international finance, management, organizational behavior, accounting, economics.

  Personal strengths:

  I was a highly principled, practical work hard, have a sense of responsibility, caring, friendly, and have good communication skills, team spirit, strong adaptability and enterprise, learning ability, interest in a wide range.

  Personal practice, work experience

  2005/08--2005/09 drama rehearsal话剧社in a foreign language, on behalf of Xinyu College to participate in social performance

  2006/07--2006/09 in the "stars of hope" remedial classes as English teacher

  2006/10--2006/10 "11" color TV during the promotion to do in Nanchang

  2007/07--2007/09 Putuo District in Shanghai as the three teachers tutor students

  Job intentions

  Job type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: Negotiable

  I hope the candidates positions: Business / Trade / International Business candidates other jobs: salesman / sales representative

  Hope that the Working Location: Shanghai, other duty stations:


  I am in school majoring in Business English professional, time and again was awarded a scholarship, she won an Outstanding Student Award, students Miyoshi title. Members at school to learn the post office, through the University of English and professional 4 6, the eight-question, and to participate in high-level Business English Certificate exams (BEC Higher).

  I was a highly principled, practical work hard, have a sense of responsibility, caring, friendly, and have good communication skills, team spirit, strong adaptability and enterprise, learning ability.



  Name、 Address、 Tel、E-mail、Objective

  Summary、Professional Experience

  Education、Qualifications &Professional Designations

  Hobbies(If need)

  1、在Professional Experience 之前的要素,描述不用太长篇,高度概括即可。面试人,特别是老外,可从中看出你的英文概括能力(长句的使用)。

  2、英文简历中,专业经验、经历(Professional Experience)部分是重头戏。因为这个部分是面试人最感兴趣和关心的,以后即使在面试时,也差不多围绕这个在说话。写简历的人需要花大“手笔”去描述这个部分。

  3、教育部分。Qualification & Professional designation 这两部分,可按照标准的一些格式如实附上,譬如:


  California State University, Fullerton

  Master of Business Administration degree with a finance specialty. May 2001

  Bachelor of Arts degree with concentration in Accounting, May 1993

  Professional Designation

  Certified Management Accounting, October 1999. Member of IMA since 1994.

  Certified in Financial Management, April 2001.

  CPA candidate, passed the entire CPA Exam in May 1994. Member of CACPAs since 1995.

  4、最后一个部分可以简单写一些你的个人爱好(Hobbies)和个人情况(Personal Information)。面试时,面试人(包括很多老外),通过对你这部分看似平常的,非工作性的情况的了解,(特别是请高级管理层),更能评估你这个人目前的状态和你对社会、家庭的一些看法,以及看出你解决一些实际问题的思路和能力。

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