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Elm University, Chapel Hill, NCPh.D. in English2000Dissertation: “The Cross-Cultural Communication Epidemic of the 21st Century”
Honors: Dissertation passed “with Distinction”Elm University, Chapel Hill, NCM.A. in English1997Thesis: “The Accessibility Debate of Content in the Online Context”Oak Tree University, Raleigh, NCB.A. Honors in English1994Areas of Concentration: Journalism, Proposal Writing
Minor: French
Honors Thesis: “The Female Betrayed and Modern Media”

    Postdoctoral Fellowship, Elm University

    1998 – 2000

      President’s Fellowship, Oak Tree University

      1995 – 1997Excellence Grant, Oak Tree University
      1996 – 1997Teaching Experience
      Walnut Grove University, Chapel Hill, NC
      Lecturer– “Global Communication in the 21st Century.”1999Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades.Adjunct Instructor– “Editing Technical Documents.”1998Developed syllabus and overall course structure, and administered all grades.Instructor– French 101, 102, 201, 2021996 - 1997Developed syllabus and overall course structure, including weekly lab practicum,
      and administered all grades.Teaching Assistant– to Professor Garth Fort in “Advanced Rhetoric.”1997Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request,
      and graded all written work, including final exam papers.
      Related Experience
      Lucerne Publishing, Raleigh, NCEditor
      Provide as needed editorial support remotely, including developmental and copy editing of their internal online and printed documentation.1995 - PresentWide World Importers, Durham, NCResearcher
      Compile reports, including statistical and market trends, to track the growth of online shipping sales versus the primary offline practices.1995 - PresentFabrikam, Inc., Raleigh, NCLanguage Consultant
      Translated American-English external web site content to French.1999Trey Research, Raleigh, NCUser Interface Design Consultant
      Provided content design feedback to program managers to create accessible segue between English and French versions of related content.
      1998Publications and papers

        “The Cross-Cultural Communication Epidemic of the 21st Century”
        Guest speaker at the Global Communication Convention, Los Angeles, CA 2001

        “Why So Many Documents Remain Inaccessible in the Information Age”
        Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of English Professors, New York 1998

        “The Female Betrayed and Modern Media”
        Paper presented to the Historical Society for American Women, Athens, Ohio 1995


          English – native language

          French – speak fluently and read/write with high proficiency

          Spanish and Italian – speak, read, and write with basic competence.


            American Society of English Honorees

            Western Society of Women Writers

            Organization of Global Communicators

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