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发布时间:2023-09-18 08:40 word英文简历模板 英文简历模板词汇


  major: business administration

  graduate school: jinan university

  degree: bachelor degree

  gender: male

  address: no。29 beisanhuan road, xicheng district, beijing


  phone number:

  mobil tel:

  data of birth: jun17, xxx

  marriage status: single


  to obtain a challenging position as an assistant for a manager, especially in human resource management/ marketing promotion。


  1999。9—XX。9dept of business administration , undergraduate school of ji’nan university bachelar degree

  XX。9 until now, dept of law , graduate school of south china normal university 。

  academic main courses:

  management of human resources

  production and operation management

  strategic management

  quality management

  marketing/international trade

  principles of management

  groundwork of accounting

  economic law

  english skills:

  have a good command of both spoken and written english。

  computer abilities:

  skilled in use of windows / office/foxpro/frontpage/qm and so on。


  1999。9—XX。9 assistant in charge of activity division of the communist youth league。

  having been a personal tutor for several foreigners from greece and india in english for half a year。 we are still keep in touch 。

  scholarships and awards:

  XX。9—XX。9 third-class scholarship


  have a passion for management/ international trade/ sales/ promotion。


  certification of scholarship

  certification of cet-4




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