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发布时间:2023-09-06 20:16 结婚邀请短信怎么写


  时间: 2015-11-11 11:20专题: 结婚请柬 英文结婚请柬





  Ceremony Invitation with Reception Card

  Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Jones

  request the honour of your presence

  at the marriage of their daughter

  Maria Louise


  Mr. John Matthew Smith

  on Saturday, the twenty-third of March

  at one o‘clock in the afternoon

  Our Lady of Perpetual Hope

  Bangor, Maine

  Reception Card:


  immediately following the ceremony

  128 N. Main St.

  Bangor, Maine

  The favour of a reply is requested

  Note: if the ceremony is a religious one, the honour of your presence is requested. If the ceremony is a civil one, the pleasure of your company is requested.

  When the mother has remarried

  If the mother of the bride has remarried, and the bride wishes to include her stepfather on the invitation, the following wording is used (this wording assumes that the mother uses her new husband‘s name):

  Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adam Waters

  request the honour of your presence

  at the marriage of her daughter

  Ann Katherine Jones

  When divorced parents are hosting the wedding

  This example assumes that the mother has remarried and is using her new husband‘s name, though it could just as well be used if she had reverted to her maiden name, continued to use her former husband‘s name, or whatever (some people also include the bride‘s last name in this form, to avoid any possible confusion. Some people also omit the and between the parents‘ names):

  Mrs. Jonathan Adam Waters


  Mr. Mark Allen Jones

  request the pleasure of your company

  at the wedding of their daughter

  Maria Louise

  One or both of the parents might also be hosting the wedding with their current spouse. In that case, the invitation might look like:

  Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adam Waters


  Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Jones

  request the pleasure of your company

  at the marriage of

  Maria Louise Jones

  When one parent is deceased

  There is no reason why the living parent cannot host the wedding by themselves, which is the same as if one divorced parent hosts the wedding. This would be worded as:

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