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  这个是一个硕士生的英文自我介绍,简短简练 Good morning, my name is jack, which is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview, I would like to answer you may increase and I hope I can become a good performance today, the final register for the prestigious The University in September. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I am 21 years old, born in Heilongjiang Province, northeast of China, I curruently senior students in Beijing are mainly two uni.my packaging engineering.and I received my bachelor's degree, I graduated june.in the past four years, I spent most of my time to learn, I have been through CET4 / 6, so as to

  alleviate. I have a basic knowledge of the packaging and publication in the theory and practice. In addition, I also took part in some of the packaging exhibition held in Beijing, which is our advantage here to learn, I have taken to visit a number of large factories and companies. Through these I have a profound understanding of the domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed countries, such as us, unfortunately, although we have made remarkable progress since 1978, China's packaging industry is still underdeveloped, chaos and instability, which the staff in this regard The awkard. But I have full confidence in a brighter future, if only we can maintain the economic growth pace still. I think you might be interested in the reasons for itch in accordance with the law, what is my plan during graduate study life, I have to tell you that my life-long pursuit of legal pursuit of the goal, I think I have a major packaging and I won "t give up If I can continue my master's degree, I will combine law with my education predecessor. I will work hard in the thesefields, patents,

  trademarks, copyrights, and on that basis I have many years of research department of p & P, my character ? I can not describe, but I know that I am very optimistic and self-confidence. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I do not lonely, I like to chat with my fellow students, almost all the talking, my favorite Pastime is valleyball, playing cards or surf the Web. University through life, I learned how to balance learning and entertainment. By the way, I am an actor of our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memory on stage. This is my pride.


  Good morning. It\'s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Jennifer Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative.

  My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied

  marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business. For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for Magic Kitchen Supplies.

  Action Appliances is a forward-looking company. I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S. Thus you are going to need aggressive, take-charge sales representatives. At Magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S. market share by 25%. This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.

  A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you. 中文翻译

  早安。很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己:我是Jennifer Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。

  我的背景和工作经验使我足以胜任这份业务代表的工作;我在台湾念大学,是主修行销,一九八五年,再从美国德州大学的商学院得到企管硕士的学位。过去五年来,我以这些专业知识及技巧担任神奇厨具用品公司的外销部副主任。 Action电器公司是个高瞻远瞩的公司,我知道你们正在开拓新市场,尤其要在美国闯下一片天地;正因为如 此,你们需要一位积极、肯负责的业务代表。在神奇厨具用品公司,我们将产品在美国的市场占有率提高了百分之二十五,这正足以证明我有能力在当地推销产品。


  Hello everyone, my name is Lee.

  This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today.

  Now I will introduce myself briefly.

  I am 20 years old,born in Guangdong province, south of China, and I am a senior student at Guangdong **University.

  My major is English.

  And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June.

  In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study.

  I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Language.

  Besides, I have attended several Speech competition held in Beijing, which really showed our professional advantages.

  I have taken a tour to some big factories and companies, through which I got a deep understanding of English for application.

  Compared to developed countries, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1998, our packaging industry is still

  underdeveloped, messy and unstable, and the situation of employees in the field is awkward.

  But I have full confidence in its bright future if only our economy can be kept at the growth pace still.

  I guess you may be interested in why I choose this job.

  I would like to tell you that this job is one of my lifelong goals.

  If I can work here,I will work hard.

  As to my character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident.

  Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about almost everything. My favorite pastime is to play volleyball, to play cards or to surf online. From life at university, I learn how to balance study and entertainment. By the way, I was an actor in our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memories on stage. That is my pride...


  1. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。

  2. I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.


  3. i have had five years experience with a company as a salesman.


  4. For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad still am an accountant.


  5. I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office.


  6. I am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.


  7. I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years experience in a companys delivery office.


  8. I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age.


  9. I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work. 本人20岁,希望能找到一个公司,以便安定下来。

  10. Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I ahve been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier.


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